VPI Immingham B

VPI Immingham B Ltd (‘VPIB’) is constructing a new gas-fired power station at its site along Rosper Road to the north of Immingham - the VPI Immingham OCGT Project. The project has a generating capacity of 299 megawatts and includes associated development in the form of new gas supply pipeline and electricity connection, adjacent to its southern boundary. OCGT power stations are extremely flexible, capable of rapid start up, and are therefore able to respond to shortfalls on the grid, usually at times of peak demand.

On 4th March 2025, VPIB submitted a Non-Material Change (‘NMC’) Application with regard to ‘The Immingham Open Cycle Gas Turbine Order 2020’ (S.I. 2020 No. 847) (the ‘Order’ or ‘DCO’) pursuant to Section 153 of ‘The Planning Act 2008’ and Regulation 4 of ‘The Infrastructure Planning (Changes to, and Revocation of, Development Consent Orders) Regulations 2011 to the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero (‘DESNZ’).

Information on the scope of the NMC application (including how to view or download documents), public consultation and ways to submit representations are outlined below.

The Non-Material Changes

The non-material change to the Order seeks the following changes to

  • the inclusion of additional land to access and utilise an existing pipe-bridge adjacent to the Order limits on which to carry the gas, electrical and utilities and services connections between the existing VPI CHP Site and the VPI OCGT Project Site; and
  • the use an additional area of land on the existing VPI CHP Site to accommodate a minor deviation in the gas pipeline routing.

The non-material changes will include updates to the documents listed in Schedule 11 (‘Documents and Plans to be Certified’) of the Order, including revising the following: ‘4.2 – Land Plans’ and ‘4.3 - Works Plans’.

The Non-Material Change Application seeks to make the above changes to the Order and includes a draft Amendment Order. The rationale behind the changes is outlined in full in the Application Letter which can be downloaded using the details set out below.


Until 10 April 2025, VPI is offering the opportunity for people to submit comments and representations with regard to the NMC Application to the Planning Inspectorate, details of how to do this are listed out in the below subsection.

Copies of the Non-Material Change Application documents, including a letter explaining the changes, and the draft Amendment Order, are available for inspection free of charge through the following means:

Hard copies of the Non-Material Change Application documents can be made available at a cost of £25.00 and an electronic copy (on a USB device) is available at a cost of £10.00.  These can be obtained by calling 020 7489 0213 (the same number can be used for any enquiries relating to the documents) or by writing to VPI Immingham B Limited, c/o DWD, 69 Carter Lane, London, EC4V 5EQ.

Commenting on the Non-Material Change Application

Please send any representations about the Non-Material Change Application by:

Email: to imminghamOCGT@planninginspectorate.gov.uk; or

Writing/post: to National Infrastructure Planning, The Planning Inspectorate, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN.

Please quote ‘Immingham OCGT – Non-Material Change’ on any correspondence.  If you have difficulty in submitting a representation by email, please contact imminghamOCGT@planninginspectorate.gov.uk or 0303 444 5000 and a member of the Planning Inspectorate’s case team will be able to assist.

Please note that any representations received by the Planning Inspectorate in response to the consultation will be handled in compliance with the United Kingdom’s General Data Protection Regulation and published on the relevant page of the Planning Inspectorate’s Infrastructure Planning Portal: https://national-infrastructure-consenting.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/projects/EN010097 with all personal information removed.

Please note that comments must be received by the Planning Inspectorate no later than 11.59pm on 10th April 2025.