
Home to one of the biggest and most efficient combined heat and power (CHP) plants in Europe, Immingham is VPI’s largest site in the UK.

About Immingham

Located in the heart of the Humber region, the Immingham Energy Park operates round-the-clock to produce electricity and provide energy to two of the UK’s largest refineries.

The 1,240MW CHP plant is capable of producing enough power to meet the needs of over one million homes while providing reliable steam and electricity to local businesses. Plans are also in development to install carbon capture technology on the plant as one of the first emitter projects for the proposed Viking CCS Cluster.

Next door to the CHP plant is a smaller 50MW fast-start facility known as Energy Park A, which utilises gas-fired reciprocating engines to quickly supply electricity at periods of high demand or at times when renewable sources aren’t available.

Construction is also underway to build a 299MW plant known as VPI B that will use fully flexible Open Cycle Gas Turbine (OCGT) technology to produce power for around 300,000 homes.

Both Energy Park A and VPI B have been designed to be hydrogen ready, ensuring the site is future-proofed for long term sustainability.

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Power Today / Power Tomorrow

  • Energy Park A

    EnergyParkA Site

    • Commissioned: 2024
    • Location: North Lincolnshire
    • Technology: Gas reciprocating engine
    • Capacity: 50MW
  • Immingham

    Immingham Site Carousel

    • Commissioned: 2004/2024
    • Location: North Lincolnshire
    • Technology: Combined heat and power / Gas reciprocating engines
    • Capacity: 1,290 MW
  • Humber Zero

    HumberZero Site

    • Operational: 2029
    • Location: North Lincolnshire
    • Capture rate: 95% reduction in CO2 emissions, up to 3.3 million tonnes captured per year
    • Technology: Carbon capture

    Find out more

  • VPI B

    VPI B Site

    • Operational: 2026
    • Location: North Lincolnshire
    • Technology: Open cycle gas turbine
    • Capacity: 299 MW
Immingham Stack Upwards

Supporting the region’s
 net zero journey

VPI is working on the next chapter of Immingham’s story with the development of a new carbon capture plant that will capture up to 3.3 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year as part of Humber Zero. This will allow the original CHP plant to continue to operate into the 2030s and beyond.

An ecosystem of companies within the Humber region, including VPI, is working to develop a carbon capture and storage network in the area, known as the Viking CCS cluster. Their aim is to help the region decarbonise without deindustrialising. Located adjacent to the Viking transport pipeline, our plant will be one of the first emitter projects for the scheme, which has been awarded Track 2 status by the UK government.

The project is technically ready and once operational will contribute nearly a fifth of the UK government’s 2030 carbon capture targets. It will also help kickstart the abatement of industry, helping to futureproof the regional economy while creating thousands of jobs.

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